Your Guide to Adoption Agencies in Pittsburgh
There are a lot of reasons you might be thinking about adoption.
If you’re part of a young couple with dreams of starting a family, what better place is there than Pittsburgh? It’s a city on the rise. It’s a town with a sense of identity and purpose with wonderful communities for families. Adoption, although it isn’t everyone’s first consideration, is a truly beautiful way to start a family.
You could also be an expectant mother in Pittsburgh who wasn’t expecting this pregnancy. An unintended pregnancy is difficult for anyone. Your circumstances may make parenting impossible, and you’re looking for the best way to move forward. Choosing adoption is selfless and brave, and it can be the best thing for yourself and the baby.
For both hopeful parents and women experiencing unplanned pregnancies, Pittsburgh adoption agencies can provide help. We’re sure you have a lot of questions about the adoption process as a whole, including questions about Pittsburgh adoption agencies. This guide is going to help you understand what agencies do, what kinds of agencies exist and which adoption agencies in Pittsburgh you could work with.
What are Pittsburgh Adoption Agencies?
Perhaps the most popular TV show based in Pittsburgh is This is Us, a story about family, love and, to a large extent, adoption. However, adoption doesn’t actually happen the way This is Us begins — at least, not typically. Unlike the show — where a baby is left at a firehouse by a desperate father, then brought to a hospital by a firefighter and found by adoptive parents — modern-day adoption happens with the help of a Pittsburgh adoption agency.
Adoption agencies are professional organizations that are held accountable by licensing and regulation. Adoption is a sensitive process, so it’s important to have high ethical standards and follow the exact letter of the law. Adoption agencies in Pittsburgh make sure that adoption is done right. With their experience and expertise, they provide vital services and support to prospective birth mothers and hopeful adoptive parents.
Along with the legal and regulatory work that agencies complete, there are other essential pieces of adoption that they make possible. Pittsburgh adoption agencies find and create adoption opportunities. They counsel prospective birth mothers and hopeful parents through challenges. They facilitate communication in open and semi-open adoptions, and they remain a resource to both sides of the adoption for a long time afterword.
This is why finding the best adoption agencies in Pittsburgh is one of the first steps for anyone considering adoption.
Types of Adoption Agencies in Pittsburgh
Did you know there’s more than one way to adopt? For adoptive families, there are actually three paths:
These three processes are very different. All have the same goal of creating a family, but the steps to get there are unique. As such, it takes a Pittsburgh adoption agency that specializes in a certain type of adoption to do it right. That’s why, when considering adoption, you will have to choose between three types of Pittsburgh adoption agencies.
First, there are private domestic adoption agencies in Pittsburgh. If you are an expectant mother thinking about adoption, this is the type of agency who can serve you best. If you are a hopeful adoptive parent who dreams of adopting an infant from the U.S., then this type of Pittsburgh adoption agency is for you.
A quick note before moving on to the next two types of adoption agencies in Pittsburgh: private adoption agencies come in more than size. There are local private agencies, and there are national private adoption agencies in Pittsburgh. Both are viable options to consider. Local agencies can offer face-to-face interaction with a social worker, which many people value. National adoption agencies tend to have lower wait times and stronger financial protection for families, as well as large and experienced staffs. Weighing the pros and cons is up to you and your specific circumstance.
Next up are Pittsburgh adoption and foster care agencies. There are more than 13,000 children in Pennsylvania’s foster care system, and thousands of those children are in need of a family through adoption. Foster-to-adopt appeals to many families because it is a chance to do something good for a child and the cost is lower than other types of adoption. Working with the foster care system can be hectic and stressful, but a good Pittsburgh adoption and foster care agency can guide a family through it.
Finally, there are international adoption agencies in Pittsburgh. At its peak, international adoptions were completed by more than 20,000 American families in one year. Today, that number is much lower, but international adoption is still an option for any family. International adoption agencies in Pittsburgh helps families sort out the logistics of travel, immigration and international law. They also find placements and help with the legal process to finalize the adoption.
Adoption Agencies in Pittsburgh
You have several choices from each type of agency when looking at Pittsburgh adoption agencies. When it comes to finding the best Pittsburgh adoption agencies, that is ultimately a personal decision. We’d love to give you one right answer, but there isn’t one. Based on your circumstances and needs, you will be able to determine which agency is right. Here are some of the adoption agencies in Pittsburgh you could consider:
Private Domestic Adoption Agencies in Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Adoption and Foster Care Agencies
International Adoption Agencies in Pittsburgh
Finding the Best Adoption Agencies in Pittsburgh for Prospective Birth Mothers
As an expectant mother considering adoption, you want to find the best adoption agencies in Pittsburgh to work with. You’re making a difficult choice, and there will be parts of the process that are challenging. A good agency will provide the support and services you need throughout the entire process.
When looking at different adoption agencies in Pittsburgh, here are few things to keep an eye out for:
- 24/7 hotline
- Professional counselors
- Licensed social workers
- Lots of experience
- A welcome, encouraging attitude
- Plans to help you receive adoption financial assistance
An adoption agency in Pittsburgh that offers these services will be able to make your experience with adoption as good as possible.
What Comes Next?
That’s a lot of information. You may need time to understand it all and do even more research on adoption agencies in Pittsburgh. It’s okay to take your time with this first, big step in the adoption process. When you are ready to go, the best next step is contacting several adoption agencies and deciding which one will be right for you.