Are You Ready to Be a Parent? [Parenting vs. Adoption]

Your 3 Unplanned Pregnancy Options

Should I raise my baby or place them for adoption? Am I ready to be a parent? Only you can answer these questions. This guide can help.

You might fight yourself facing another difficult decision because you have chosen to carry your baby to term: Should I raise my baby or place them for adoption?

While this isn’t an easy question to ask when you’re faced with an unplanned pregnancy, it is a very important one. This is another decision that only you can make. However, you don’t have to make this decision alone. There are many resources dedicated to helping expectant parents faced with an unplanned pregnancy decide whether to raise their baby or place them for adoption.

If you aren’t sure where to start, there are adoption professionals who can help you weigh your options against your current situation so that you can make an informed choice that is right for you. If you want to talk to a professional about your options now, you can get in touch with one here.

Am I Ready to be a Parent?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, determining whether or not you are ready to become a parent is one of the biggest decisions you can make. Your decision won’t only affect your own life, but also your baby’s life.

It’s important to take as much time as you need to conduct your research and self-reflection to feel confident in your decision. Think about how you really feel about potentially becoming a parent and your circumstances.

There are many questions you should ask yourself when determining whether you are ready to parent.

  • Are you financially able to support a child?
  • Are you mentally and emotionally ready to parent?
  • Are you prepared to sacrifice your own time to make your child your top priority?
  • Will becoming a parent hinder plans you had for your future?
  • Do you have a support system that can help raise the child if you need it?
  • Do you really want to be a parent?

There is no right or wrong answer to these questions, but they’re important to take into consideration.  If you’re having a difficult time deciding whether you are ready to parent or not, feel free to reach out to an adoption professional. Even if you haven’t decided on adoption, they can offer unbiased guidance and support to you while you make your decision.

Adoption vs. Parenting

When deciding if you are ready to parent or place your child for adoption, it’s important to look at both of your options from all perspectives. Listed below are some pros and cons of choosing adoption and choosing to parent.



  • If you feel you’re not ready to parent, adoption comes at no expense to the birth parents. The adoptive family will cover costs of medical care and living expenses such as rent, food, utilities, etc., throughout your pregnancy.
  • You will be able to achieve your goals and stay on the path you had planned for your future.
  • If you’re not ready to become a parent and decide to pursue an open adoption, you will be able to maintain some degree of contact with your child and the adoptive family.
  • When you choose adoption, you can place your baby with wonderful people who have been longing to become parents and will provide a child with an amazing life.


  • Even if you feel you are making the right decision, you may experience feelings of grief and loss when placing your baby with an adoptive family.
  • While you may be able to maintain contact with your child, you will not be actively involved in raising them.



  • You will be able to raise your own child according to your own values and what you think is best
  • You will have the opportunity to start a new and exciting path in your life as you take on the role of being a parent.


  • The expenses that go into raising a child can place a lot of financial stress on and those involved in raising the child.
  • You may have to put your own dreams and aspirations on hold while you raise the child. Are you prepared to accept that?

What if I’m Not Ready to be a Parent?

If after evaluating your situation and weighing your options you have decided that you are not ready to become a parent, adoption might be the right choice for you.

Whatever your reason is for choosing to place your baby for adoption, your decision is valid. While difficult, choosing adoption for your baby is an incredibly selfless decision that comes from a place of love. You want to give your baby the best life possible, and there are many hopeful adoptive families out there who are waiting to do just that.

If you’re new to the adoption process, it might be a good idea to do some research on adoption professionals you would be interested in working with. They can put you in contact with an adoption specialist who will answer any questions you may have about the adoption process and help make sure all your bases are covered.

Even if you decide to place your baby for adoption because you feel you are not ready to be a parent, you will always have all the love of a parent for you child in your heart. If you choose to have an open adoption, you will be allowed to maintain contact with your child and their adoptive family. This way, you can have peace of mind that they are happy and healthy.

If you are interested in learning more about adoption vs. parenting, you can get free information, counseling and support now by filling out this form.

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