Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

Everything You Need to Know About Being Pregnant at 17

Your Unplanned Pregnancy Options

You may feel overwhelmed and unsure about your future when you discover you’re pregnant at 17. But we want you to know that resources and support are always available.

No matter what you’re feeling, being a pregnant teen doesn’t mean that your dreams and aspirations must be put on hold. You have options, and we’re here to help you make the best decision for your future.

To receive immediate help, contact a national adoption hotline at 1-800-ADOPTION or connect with us online to get more free adoption information now.

What to Do If You’re Pregnant at 17 [Your Options]

You will always be able to make the right decision for your situation. You’re not alone, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Because every situation is unique, only you can know what’s best for your circumstances.

  • Adoption: Choosing adoption when you’re a pregnant 17-year-old can give your child a stable home with two loving adoptive parents. It’s 100% free and provides essential services needed to navigate an unplanned pregnancy. Through comprehensive guidance and support, you can create a brighter future for yourself and your baby.
  • Abortion: This option involves terminating your pregnancy. It can be for pregnant teens who don’t want to carry their pregnancy to term. Abortion can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on your situation. There are also strict laws on abortion in certain states, so speak with your doctor if you want to pursue this option.
  • Parenting: You will always have the option toparent your child if you discover you’re pregnant at 17 years old. But, ensure you have the resources and support needed to raise a child. Parenting is a lifelong commitment, so you must consider whether you have the means to provide for your child. 

Benefits of Choosing Adoption as a Pregnant 17-Year-Old

If you know you’re not ready to parent, then adoption is an option regardless of your age. It allows you to move forward in life and create a brighter future for yourself. Adoption can provide a beautiful new start to your life – and your baby’s life, too. Through adoption, you can:

1. Take Back Control of Your Life

When you create an adoption plan, you’re in charge. Regardless of being a pregnant teen, you’ll call all the shots in your adoption journey. Your birth parent specialist will coordinate every aspect of your adoption journey based on your preferences.

As you begin creating your adoption plan, consider what would be best for yourself and your baby. This will help you determine what you want your adoption experience to look like. Through adoption, you can take back control of your life to create the future you deserve.

2. Choose the Perfect Family for Your Baby

No matter your age, you’re in complete control of choosing an adoptive family for your baby. Finding the right family ensures your child will grow up with two loving adoptive parents. So, as you begin the adoption process while pregnant at 17, think about what kind of lifestyle you want your baby to have.

You may want your child to grow up in the city, the suburbs or on the beach. Whatever your preferences are, you’re in control of determining which lifestyle you want your baby to have. During the adoption planning stage, you’ll work with a specialist to decide what characteristics you want in a family. You can narrow down your search based on details like:

  • Age
  • Race
  • Marital status
  • Religious beliefs
  • Location

Check out some waiting adoptive families here. You can also view adoptive family video profiles here for a better look into their lifestyles.

3. Receive Unconditional Support

When you choose adoption as a pregnant 17-year-old, you can receive free, 24/7 support and counseling throughout the process and beyond. An unplanned pregnancy can be a lot to handle on your own. But, with this support, you will always have the guidance needed to navigate your pregnancy.

You will also receive post-placement support to help you cope with any challenging emotions.

4. Stay in Touch with Your Baby

Pursuing adoption as a pregnant teen doesn’t mean saying goodbye to your baby. Through open adoption, you can stay connected to your baby for years to come. This can involve an introductory phone call with or without mediation from your specialist. Then, if you’re comfortable, you can set up a time to meet them in person.

Open adoption usually involves communication through:

  • Email
  • Text
  • Phone calls
  • Video chat
  • In-person visits
  • Handwritten letters
  • Or whatever you’re comfortable with

There isn’t a set rule on how much communication you’re supposed to have. It all depends on your comfort level. If you don’t want to maintain contact, then that’s OK, too.

5. Create the Future You Deserve

As a pregnant 17-year-old, you can pursue your educational goals through adoption. You’re giving your baby a brighter future filled with endless opportunities. In the face of an unplanned pregnancy, adoption allows you to take back control of your life to create the future you deserve.

Some national adoption agencies offer scholarships that allow you to fulfill your education goals. Every birth parent that goes through the adoption process will be considered for a financial scholarship to cover the costs of education.

No matter what, adoption will always be an option for you when you’re pregnant at 17.

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