If you’re searching for resources for pregnant teenagers because you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, we have you covered. During a time in your life when you’re discovering your personal identity, coping with an unplanned pregnancy as a teen can be incredibly overwhelming.
If you’re not sure where to turn, you can reach out to an adoption professional today to get free advice for pregnant teenagers.
Being a minor doesn’t mean you can’t get access to the unplanned pregnancy help you need. There are professionals who want to help you, no matter what stage you’re at in your unplanned pregnancy journey.
You can learn more about five helpful adoption resources for teenagers below, or contact an adoption professional today to get free guidance.
Where to Get Help for Teenage Pregnancy
If you’re a teen and you’ve discovered you’re unexpectedly pregnant, you might feel lost or overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are a variety of resources available to you. Which one is right for you will depend on your personal preference and unique set of circumstances.
These resources and services can help you get going in the right direction as you navigate the twists and turns of unplanned pregnancy.
1. Adoption Agencies
If you’re considering adoption, there are adoption agencies for teens that can help you learn more about the adoption process and talk to you about all your unplanned pregnancy options. Before you officially begin your adoption journey, an adoption professional will make sure you understand all of the options available to you so that you can make the most informed decision.
If you decide that adoption is what’s best for you and your baby, your adoption professional will help you create an adoption plan tailored to your specific wants and needs. When it comes to your adoption plan, you get to call all of the shots. But you don’t have to figure it out alone. Your adoption professional will be by your side every step of the way to answer your questions and provide guidance.
Adoption agencies can provide a variety of resources for pregnant teens who are giving their baby up for adoption, such as:
2. Unplanned Pregnancy Counseling
An unplanned pregnancy comes with a lot of intense emotions. You might be feeling scared, confused, lost and overall, just not sure how to move forward. As a teen, you likely feel too young to parent but aren’t sure of your options or how to decide which one is best for you. That’s why there’s unplanned pregnancy counseling for pregnant teenagers
Unplanned pregnancy counselors are professionals who can offer advice and educate you on all your unplanned pregnancy options. These professionals will never try to pressure you into any decision, nor will they judge you for your situation. They’re there to listen and provide emotional and practical support.
You can get in touch with an unplanned pregnancy counselor by contacting an adoption hotline for teens, like this one here.
3. Women’s Clinics
Health clinics can be a valuable resource for a teen experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. These clinics can provide you with prenatal care and resources for pregnant teenagers such as connecting you with potential hospitals you could deliver at.
In addition to medical care, they can also advise you on what your unplanned pregnancy options look like, depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Many of these clinics offer free or very low-cost counseling for teens dealing with unplanned pregnancies.
4. Maternity Homes
One of the most daunting aspects of an unplanned teenage pregnancy is having to tell your parents. You might be worried about how they’ll react, or even about being kicked out of the house. If that’s the case, there are maternity homes for pregnant teenagers.
These homes provide you with a place to stay, a meal plan and other helpful resources for pregnant teenagers. If you’re worried about affording these services, most homes for pregnant teenage mothers are free.
If you’re considering adoption and looking for a temporary place to stay during your pregnancy, most adoption agencies can help connect you with a maternity home or other housing options.
If you do decide to live elsewhere during your pregnancy, we recommend that you confide in a friend or family member to see if they’d be a viable option for a place for you to stay. Being surrounded by people you care about can be incredibly helpful during this time.
5. Friends and Family
If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, having a reliable support system is very important. While you may not think of friends or family in terms of being a source of practical and emotional help for pregnant teenagers. This is likely due to anxiety over how they may respond to the news.
Even if they are shocked at first, they will likely support you in whatever decision you make and will want to help you in any way they can. If you’re not sure how to broach the topic of unplanned pregnancy or adoption, an adoption professional can help.
If you’re not sure where to get help for teenage pregnancy, an adoption agency can help. There are professionals who can answer your questions and help you create an adoption plan that’s right for you. Reach out to an adoption professional today to get the resources you need.