Safe Haven Laws

Baby Moses Law [Your Complete Guide]

Parenthood is not for everyone, and that is completely OK. Still, you may have recently given birth, and you have just realized that you are not ready to parent right now.

You’ve heard of Baby Moses laws, but you’re a bit confused. What are they, exactly? That’s what we’re here to answer for you.

To get more free information now, you can contact us online at any time. But, we have also put together this thorough article that explains the details of Baby Moses laws. If you’ve been wondering what these laws are and how they may be able to help you, then you’re in the right place.

Baby Moses Law [What Are Safe Haven Laws for Dropping Off Unwanted Babies in the U.S.A.?]

You may be asking, “What is the Baby Moses law?” This is a law that protects parents who surrender their baby at a designated Safe Haven location, such as a hospital or fire station, when they realize they cannot provide a safe, nurturing environment for their baby. It ensures that the parent won’t face prosecution if they do this.

“Why was the safe surrendered baby law created,” you may be asking. In terms of Baby Moses law history, these laws were created to ensure that parents could leave their babies at a safe location free from harm. When parents realize that they cannot properly care for their baby, they felt that the only option available to them was to abandon the baby.

As a result, this is why the baby surrender law was enacted. The first state to create a baby Safe Haven law was Texas in 1999. Still, how many states have abandoned babies laws? Now, every state has a Baby Moses Safe Haven law or a Safe Haven for abandoned babies act of some kind.

Keep in mind that baby Safe Haven rules vary from state to state. For instance, these include details such as:

  • Who can leave a baby
  • Where and how the baby can be surrendered
  • How old the baby can be
  • Whether any information is required
  • What kind of protections there are for parents who choose this option
  • Whether there’s an opportunity for parents to change their minds and get their baby back
  • And more

In some states, the laws where you can leave your baby may differ. For example, in one state, the only designated locations may be fire stations and police stations. In another state, it could be only hospitals and churches.

Also, you may be wondering, “A baby can be surrendered safely by what time,” or “Can you get your baby back after a Safe Haven surrender?” This depends on the state and its Safe Haven act, too.

Is It a Crime to Abandon a Baby? [Adoption Is an Option]

If you are wondering, “Is it illegal to abandon a baby,” then the answer is yes. It is a crime to abandon your baby. That’s why there is an abandoned baby law to ensure that no baby is harmed if a parent feels they aren’t ready for this journey.

But, you may not have even considered all your options. For instance, adoption is always an option. In fact, this is a better choice for many women, and that could be the case for you, too. There are many reasons to choose adoption as a prospective birth mother.

To help you make the most informed decision in your situation, we have outlined some of the benefits of choosing adoption below:

  • There is no age limit. If you are interested in Baby Moses law, states may restrict how old the baby can be if you are interested in Safe Haven baby boxes. There could be a baby Safe Haven age limit or a Baby Moses law age restriction. Adoption, on the other hand, is an option no matter how old your infant is.
  • You can maintain your confidentiality. If you pursue closed adoption, then you can keep your anonymity intact. This is the reason that so many parents surrender their baby at a Safe Haven location. But, they probably don’t know that they can stay anonymous through adoption while also providing vital information for their child to have someday.
  • You can make a selfless, heroic and brave decision. One of the most common phrases that people use when they talk about adoption is “giving a baby up.” Although these people likely don’t mean any harm, this phrase completely misses the point. You are not “giving up” when you choose adoption. Rather, you are giving your child a chance at the best life possible.

Now that you have a better understanding of both Baby Moses law and adoption, you can make the choice that is best for you and your baby. Remember, this is your choice and yours alone. Don’t let anyone else try to sway your decision one way or another. Only you can truly know what is best for your baby and your circumstances.

Still, if you have some more questions about Baby Moses or Safe Haven law, we are here to answer those questions for you. You can fill out our online contact form at any time. We are happy to help you out in whatever way that you may need us.

Ready to get started? Contact an adoption agency now to get free information.

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