What Happens to Safe Haven Babies?

What happens to Safe Haven babies? Here’s what you need to know about what happens to babies who are abandoned at a designated Safe Haven site.

Can I Choose Adoption in the Military? [Complete Guide]

If you’re in the U.S. Military on active duty experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption, you may have a lot of questions about your options and how this process would work for you. This guide will give you the answers you need.

Pregnant and Homeless, Addicted, or Incarcerated [& Other Difficult Circumstances]

Are you experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, considering adoption but worried about whether you qualify? If you are, you may be pregnant and experiencing difficulties such as: Homelessness Addiction Incarceration Unclear citizenship status CPS involvement Prospective birth mothers considering adoption with complex backgrounds may fear that any “requirements” for adoption can’t be met because of any …

Adoption for Teenage Pregnancy [Complete Guide]

Can you place a baby for adoption if you are a minor? How does teenage pregnancy work? If you are asking these questions, you may be in a situation where you are scared and uncertain of your options. Please know that adoption is always an option for you, and this guide has the answers you need.

Can People from a Different State Adopt My Baby?

Do you want your child to live in a particular part of the country? Did you find the perfect adoptive parents, but they live in another state? Not a problem. Placing your baby for adoption in another state can be an option for you. Here’s how.

Choosing the Religion of the Adoptive Parents

There are hundreds of Christian families hoping to adopt, Jewish adoptive families, Muslim adoptive families, Buddhist families ready to adopt, as well as families of other religious backgrounds. Whatever you’re looking for, here’s how you can find it.

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